Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Posted By Imhink_Spyder at 12:21 AM

That's Good for our business learning :

Setting goals for your home business can be a truly remarkable thing. Setting goals and then working to make those goals reality, and finally seeing those goals materialized in your life are simply amazing. In this article, you will discover how you too can have so much fun in your home business by setting goals for your home business.

In this article, you will discover:

* What Is Goal Setting?

* What Is A Goal?

* How To Goal Set For Home Business Success

* What Is Goal Setting?

A journey of a million miles starts with the first step. You've heard the saying so many times, now it is time to apply it to your home business and achieve your success.

Goal setting is basically the process of deciding on what you want, and setting about plans that will make it your focus in your action. Though goal setting is pretty simple, some of our goals are big goals, and need more elaborate goal setting methods to turn them into reality.

* What Is A Goal?

If goal setting is the process of choosing a goal, and setting ways and means to make it reality, then a goal is that which your are striving for. A goal can be financial; it can be customer orientated, profitability or any number of other things. The point is it is something that gets you excited.

By far the best advice I can give you is to be specific with your goals. So for example, if you want to earn $100k this year from your home business, that will be a better goal than simply saying to make lots of money. Goal setting can cause a lot of other goals needing to be attained, which we will go into in the next section.

* How To Goal Set For Home Business Success

If you consider for a moment the $100k revenue in your home business this year, as a goal, then it will cause a lot of other question marks. For example to make that $100k is not simply running your home business day to day. To make $100k in your home business, you may need to consider the amount of people you need to sell to, the amount each customer needs to spend each year, and much more.

At this moment we have opened a can of worms, because that simple $100k now needs a lot of other goals to be achieved before we can get that $100k revenue. You may need to speak to 10, 20, even 100 people every day to get them interested in your product.

Goal setting for home business becomes much easier when you are walking a road you have walked through before! For example, if you have just started your own home based business, the $100k has a big question mark. However, if you have run for a year or two, then you likely know the metrics of your business, and can simply scale it up. So, if you had 5,000 customers producing $50,000, then you know that a goal of 10,000 customers likely will bring you the $100k.


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